Babies and more babies

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 27, 2012
Guess I am lucky my fish keep having babies. I have 3 now that have moved to the main tank and 5 more in the fry tank, not to mention the two I just found hiding under the air stone. The only problem is I don't have room to keep them all in the tank and don't know what to do with them. Guess I will have to check the local pet stores to see if anybody will take them once they are big enough. BTW they are all patties. 2 Blue Mickeys 3 Orange and Black patties and 5 Sunset Mickeys.
Same here I have 15 babies right now 6 sunset platy, 5 gold mikey platy, 4 dalmatian molly, I also have creamsycle molly,sunset platy, golden mikey platy, red wag tail platy in delivery ward.
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