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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 5, 2003
Montreal Quebec Canada

I am using a BERLIN skimmer and when I looked into it to see if all is going well - much to my surprise I saw BABIES swimming around. That was about 5 days ago and today, they are still swimming and doing well.

Has this ever happened to any of you and if so, what did you do?

aldo :mrgreen:
have two comments i guess !!
1) imo if ya can see things swimming in your skimmer tube then your skimmer imo cant be working !!! there should be so many bubbles in a skimmer tube that ya shouldnt see anything but bubbles!! i have never owned a berlin but if it was mine id get a bigger pump cause nothing should be able to live in it !! they/it/doc should be forced up by the foam !!
2)ive heard the hash up there is good though !!! lmao j/k
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