Bacteria bloom

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 8, 2018
Quick run down 55gal long 1 or 2 inch substrate some decor freshwater heater and filter was straight out the starter tank box idk my ph levels but ik I messed up and put fish in the tank during the new tank Bacteria bloom cycle thing .... it’s been a couple months almost and tank is still cloudy how do I get this fixed it’s not bother guppies but I want to get RB piranha so rlly wanna get this fixed
Lots of water changes, kill the lights for a week straight (if no plants) and then some more water changes. Clean out filters in old tank water once a week, and keep surface agitation up to ensure plenty of O2 for fishes ;)
I'd do a couple 50% water changes today then do 33% daily water changes afterwards. Testing the water usually helps gauge how much water to change and how frequent. API master test kit is good. It also gives you an idea of when your tank is cycled if it isn't already.
No fake plants so does i guess it dont matter on or off wit constant water changes approx how long before it’s clear
I think Z is telling you to kill the lights so you aren't feeding the bacteria.
Here’s a update on tank .... the pic tells full story but I swear there’s still a cloud in there ... win lookin in front of tank cloud is unnoticeable


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Here’s a update on take .... the pic tells full story but I swear there’s still a cloud in there ... win lookin in front of tank cloud is pretty much unnoticeable


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Is there a film on the sides of the glass inside the tank that isn't on the front? I've had that problem before.

Iv wipes down the insides wit a rag I noticed it did get some of clouds in it when I ringed it out’s 2 more pics maybe it says it better than explaining it the one pic is me shining lite in to tank from out to Illuminate The clouds from above


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What does your water test out at?

You might try adding some carbon to your filters and see if that clears the water up.
Have you been using a good de chlorinator that can treat chloramines also?
Your tank should be stable unless something in the water is killing off the bacteria.
Poisons like medications kill the smallest forms of life first without causing issue to larger forms of life. So the bacteria are not thriving even though the fish survive.
Are you spraying any aerosols near tank?
Water changes only dilute the bacterial bloom but leave it in same proportions which is why it keeps coming back. Let tank stay idle on water changes. No food for 3-7 days and you can do blackout if you want. You don't have 'green water' so it is not algae related IMO.

A UV sterilizer like the 'Green Machine ' is often used for green water but IMO would likely clear you up within a week either way.
So far those bottles are the only thing that’s ever been put in the water other than fish and food and i have my on a canister wit all the media and a UV light in it iv decided that’s my upgrade on the filter ... guppies and glass catfish (pretty sure guppies are everything in tank at this point) will the catfish live a wk wit no food? No I don’t spray aresols round tank I but I do “smoke” in the room at times tbh and I do vape in same room


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King Fisher.... idk what the water test comes out to my test tube was broke so if you no how much water I need to do it I’ll use something different like a water bottle and let u no I have this test kit but pretty sure it’s jus some basic non professional ones


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