Bacteria or fungas

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 3, 2012
Hello, I am having some problems with my betta. I think he may have fungal fin rot. His fins are detierating and antibiotics aren't helping. I have tried melafix and maracyn II but they didn't work. Lately I used pimafix and he got better. He was bright blue but now he is just a dull version of blue. Also there is a large white spot on his head. Please help.

How big is his tank?
Do you have a heater for him and what is his tank set at?
What is the water changing schedule, and when was the last time it was changed/how much?
What are the water parameters?

All these answers will help us help your little guy!!!
I've found malachite green to be pretty effective at knocking out fungal problems (though I don't recommend adding it to a main tank as it will stain many decorations and even the silicon seals). Of course without clean water medicines won't solve much.
The tank is roughly 12 gal. Heater is set at 80. I usually change water once every 10 days. I do not know the parameters but I will check. Also he is in a communitity tank with 2 cories 2 platys a Rasbora and a common Pleco. The Pleco was a gift and there is nowhere else to put him.
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