Balloon Molly - How to breed??

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 22, 2009
Can someone please help me to breed my balloon mollies?? I have one male and two females. I do a 30% water change once a week everyweek but i just dont know what else i can do to get them to breed?????????
Normally there are some basic things that you can do to encourage breeding to happen:

-Do frequent and large water changes, about 40% every other day to everyday.
-Feed more frequently, but with a varity of foods, not the same food over and over.
-Raise the temp. slighty, 2-5 degrees would be a good range. Just make sure it doesn't raise higher then 80.
-Feed meaty live foods, like live brine shrimp, live blood worms, or small feeders.

Do these and your almost guarented breeding mollies.
Normally there are some basic things that you can do to encourage breeding to happen:

-Do frequent and large water changes, about 40% every other day to everyday.
-Feed more frequently, but with a varity of foods, not the same food over and over.
-Raise the temp. slighty, 2-5 degrees would be a good range. Just make sure it doesn't raise higher then 80.
-Feed meaty live foods, like live brine shrimp, live blood worms, or small feeders.

Do these and your almost guarented breeding mollies.
Mollies eat a lot of vegetables as well as meaty foods. Try things like blanched broccoli or shelled peas. Livebearing fish are known to hold off giving birth until they are comfortable. If you have other fish in the tank they could be eating the babies or the adult mollies may be eating them. Provide plenty of plants either live or fake for hiding places. I personally don't care for the little fry holding tanks, I would rather use an out grow tank.
Hey thanks for that :) Im a bit blonde so hopefuly i read your reply right. lol
If you have had them for a few months there should have been some fry by now.
Java moss is an excellent plant for low light tanks and is very good for hiding baby fish. Hornwort is used for the same thing it floats in the top of the tank.

I am thinking your fish have either had babies and they got eaten or you have males. Most females are prehit when they are sold and can store the sperm for several months.
The thing about mollies is how can you stop them from breeding?
Give them time and they will.
Mine love peas as well, in fact most of my fish do. (skin removed)
Boy, I'd like to know how to slow down the breeding of my mollies! Mine are in a 55g. I do a 50% water change every weekend. The temp is 78-80%. They like it warm for breeding. I usually find fry after a water change, but not always. Mine get a variety of foods and (thawed)frozen bloodworms every other day when I feed our frogs. I don't give them fresh veggies and stuff though. My only thought is whether yours are just not old enough yet? I waited 3 or 4 mos for my black BB to give birth. She was just young. Maybe they are a bit young. Be patient. You'll have more than you know what to do with in no time:) And don't believe those who say mollies don't eat their young. I've seen them do it. After just a few days balloon belly fry will be too quick for their clumsy, chubby parents to get them, but you need them to make it that long. My tanks have large rocks and lots of plants. I have a devil of a time getting them out from their hiding places into my baby tank. They're FAST to dive around those rocks. Maybe try piling some bigger rocks in the corners. Good luck!
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