Barbs in a small tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 4, 2004
Portland, OR
I realy like the look of the various barbs, and I am in the process of setting up a new 10 gal tank. Right now while it's cycling I'm trying to pick the fish for it. Are there any species of barbs that would be happy in a 10? If not, is there another fish that looks simmular that would do well in a 10?


Cherry barbs (Puntius titteya) are a commonly-available barb that will do nicely in a 10 gallon. You could easily keep a trio (or as many as six) of them in a tank that size.
You might look at some rasboras also before you decide. They are similar to barbs and most of them stay quite small. There are many colorful species also.
I agree with Fruitbat on the Cherry Barbs. The males are red and the females are more of light red with a stripe so you can tell them apart.

Another barb option may be Rosy Barbs. They are colorful and more of a metallic color. The male short finned Rosy Barbs are a brilliant red and the females are a silver/gold color. The long finned variety males are red on the bottom half and gold on the top and the females are the same color as the short-finned variety. I wouldn't put more than two pair in the tank size you are going to be running.
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