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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 30, 2005
I love barbs..ya I say that about almost every fish but it's all true..I'm a fish freak hence the name.

I was asking if Tiger barbs, green barbs and orange barbs go well together. Also what fish do they NOT get along with. mollies? platys?

ALso I heard that you have to keep them in at LEAST groups of this true and how many barbs could I have in my 29 gal.?
Tiger barbs are the most aggressive of the 3 types, the need to be kept in a group of 6 IMO. Barbs will nip at fish that have flowy fins for sure like guppies. I'm not familiar with orange barbs at all so I won't comment on them. The green barbs are also best kept in groups of 6. I think you would be able to have 2 groups of 6 in a 29 gal. I'm sure someone else will chime in on whether or not to add orange barbs to this mix.
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