Bba i think! Please help

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 24, 2011
UK - Wales
Hey just a quick post I am currently suffering from an out break of Bba I think, it is greeny grey and has attached itself on pretty much all if my plants (anubias amazon sword java fern bacopa java moss and windelov) I have been trying to remove the affected leaves but it's now way out of control and don't know what to do next quick details on my tank

190L bow front corner juwel trigon
Fluval 304 + juwel internal
2xt5 + 2xt8 lighting (28w and 20w)
Diy co2 (6 litres)
Dose with sera fertilizer once a week
Photoperiod 10 hours

Anyone have any ideas on how to control this without bleaching??
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