Best light to show off Neons

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 11, 2016
The LED lights, that came standard, just went kaput on me today in my Glowlight Tetra tank. Tank was a cheapo 10 gallon kit from Walmart, so I'm not surprised.
Obviously, I now need a new light, lol. I want to stick to LEDs, but don't want to go as "fancy" as we did with the 90 gallon tank, and we don't want to shell out for a new hood. We've been looking at the submersible light strips, but I want to pick the right colour combo. There are 6 Glowlights in there right now and I would like to eventually add 6 Neons...what light is best for showing off their colours, LED wise? Blue/white or the RGB?

Background on tank:
Tank is standard 10 gallon tank, with black background, black gravel, orangey-red, and green, fake plants. There is also some live duckweed that I threw in to subdue the original lighting, an airstone, and an AquaTech 5-15 power filter.
What went wrong with the light? Maybe it's just a dead power supply?
What went wrong with the light? Maybe it's just a dead power supply?
I fiddled around with it today, and you were super close! It's the on/off switch. Something inside won't stay connected. Right now, I have it taped in the "on" position and the lights are staying on. I'll just have to plug/unplug right from the plug for now. I think if I try to pry open the switch for a peek, I'll break it :/
Also have a cheap, temp solution in case the switch completely dies. I bought a long picture frame and two, battery operated LED strip lights from the dollarstore. Used the glass with edging and put the lights on top. Put off a surprisingly nice bit of least for a 10 gallon, lol.
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