Best Moss for a Moss Wall

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 8, 2011
What is the best moss for a moss wall? I wanted to use star moss, but read that it's not really an aquatic moss and will die after awhile, and I'm not really that into the look of java moss personally... regardless, any advice is much appreciated!
Trail_Mix said:
What is the best moss for a moss wall? I wanted to use star moss, but read that it's not really an aquatic moss and will die after awhile, and I'm not really that into the look of java moss personally... regardless, any advice is much appreciated!

I'm seeding my 3D wall with mini christmas moss now, but I figure it's gonna be a while.

Here's a link that lists a lot of aquatic moss (plants in general).
add willow moss to the list, although it seems to be a little picky about tank temperature. I still like using java moss overall, it has a great look when it's allowed to grow naturally, easier to maintain/grow, plus its much cheaper to get large portions of.
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