Best plants for my tank?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 14, 2012
Hi everyone.

I am nearing the end of my fish less cycle for my 37 gallon tank. This is my first tank and in so excited! So I have the marineland led lights that come in the kit. I know they aren't great, but I can't replace em and I actually love the blue moon setting! So I think my tank looks pretty bare though. I need som easy plants to help make my tank better! I can't get frets or co2 but I think some plats will do fine. So I'm thinking a tall plant in the back corner by the cichlid stone(need a good plant). Many a moss on the small flat piece of driftwood. So for the moss, wil it overtake the wood? I don't really want that, but I think Mabye moss in the wood and a small plant on the wood as well, a plans on the big dw and one in the front of he cave. I need suggustions!!b


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Cabomba and java fern would do ok. Amazon swords would need higher light and root tabs
Anubias would work along with the java fern. With stock Marineland leds you won't have to worry about any moss growing out of control and taking over your dw. What growth you do see will be slow.
Thanks, I set on Anubis. But will the moss eventullybtake the whole dw? I'd like to plant it on half and keep it like that!
You can keep the moss trimmed.

I like wisteria for low light. Easy to grow, looks geen and leafy, and tolerates abuse from fish fairly well. I was going to get rid of mine but my rams really enjoy lurking in it. For color you could look at a crypt such as red wendtii.
Thanks, and the crypt is low light? M thinkin Anubis in or infrint of the smal driftwood, water wysteria in the back by the filter and big cichlid stone, then son java fern in between the lava rocks and bug dw. Mabye moss on the dw
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