Best Pond Contest/Great Idea

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 29, 2004
First, the idea. Well, I kinda stole it from Bill Nye the Science Guy. You take a nice bunch of moss and put it in a blender. Then you add some milk. No, this isn't to eat! Then pour some in between the rocks on your stream or anywhere else you want moss. In a few days it will grow into beautiful green moss.

Now for the contest.

The categories are:
1. Most Unique Design (5 kudos)
2. Most Natural (5 kudos)
3. Best Overall Fish (5 kudos)
4. Clearest Water (5 kudos)
5. Best pond story (5 kudos)
6. Best overall pond (10 kudos)

1. Contest Ends July 4th.
2. Photos must be quality, its okay if you have a bad camera.
4. 5 more kudos if you post a picture of your American Flag Fish on July 4th!

Please post like this

Date/Time Taken:
Size (Gal):
Types of Fish:
Other Animals:
How long has the pond been established?:

If anyone has anything to add please do. Maybe a mod could sticky this.
Well I was already planning on having a lilly contest that would end right around then. I don't know how many submissions we will have, but what if we just had people submit general pond pictures and then give them those awards based on which one was thought to have that particular quality. For example, a person with the most natural pond might not have a good submission for unique design of clearest water.
Neat Idea, I dont have anywhere to put moss but I will keep it in mind.
where do you live? like country or city. because i have a forest by my house and i have a ton

anywya is there a certain kind of moss you need? because around here we have like 5 kinds
First, the idea. Well, I kinda stole it from Bill Nye the Science Guy. You take a nice bunch of moss and put it in a blender. Then you add some milk. No, this isn't to eat! Then pour some in between the rocks on your stream or anywhere else you want moss. In a few days it will grow into beautiful green moss.

I tried this, it's not that easy, IME. You must keep it moist at all times, which means misting it a couple times a day (depending on location, humidity, etc.). For me, it took several weeks to grow, and was very spotty. I gave up on it, some lived, some didn't. Oh yeah, I had to buy my wife a new blender too! She was NOT cool with me blending milk and dirty moss in her blender! No matter how much I cleaned it, she insisted it was ruined. Lesson learned. Oh yeah, I got the idea from Paul James, the gardener guy on HGTV.
I live in the country (kinda) its know as a "rural" town. We have a realy small city near us though. I didn't realise that it was that hard to do the moss thing. Maybe if you used something other than milk, something with more nutrition.
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