Betta and kuhli loaches

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 7, 2012
Dallas, Tx
So I finally caught all 4 of my kuhli loaches and was about to dump them into my 55g from my 20g long then I thought about my ten gallon betta tank. I'd much rather them in the 10 gallon so I was hoping to get some other people's thoughts on it.
The ten gallon just has the male betta
The 55 has 4 Angels a couple swords and 2 botia loaches and a clown loach

I don't think a betta would have a problem with peaceful bottom feeders like Kuhli loaches. I know they get along great with Cories. That said, I'm pretty sure Kuhlies need a tank larger than 10 gallons. They'd be a bit cramped in a 10. I can't say whether they'd get along with your other loaches though.
A 10 is too small for these guys long term. Also like will all bettas, temperament is key. Congratulating you on catching them though. This is one thing I never want to even attempt. How did you do it?
Cool thanks guys, I thought a ten would be small but it was such a pain getting them out of the 20 I knew I'd never get them in the 55. Oh well, they're in the 55 now. Thanks again!
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