Betta breeding

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 5, 2011
ottawa canada
Hello I am wanting to start Breeding my betta's and was wondering what the best way to get them started??? Like to make my females start producing eggs ana how to make my males to build bobble nests i'v seen one of my males make one but not since :( thanks

Just so u know my males are in a 1.5 gal and a 2 gal made for BETTA tanks and my females are in a 6 gal fluval edge tank.
Hello I am wanting to start Breeding my betta's and was wondering what the best way to get them started??? Like to make my females start producing eggs ana how to make my males to build bobble nests i'v seen one of my males make one but not since :( thanks

Just so u know my males are in a 1.5 gal and a 2 gal made for BETTA tanks and my females are in a 6 gal fluval edge tank.

I have been successful in breeding bettas for many years. I will give you any help you may need so lets get you started.
There are a few ways you can do this but lets start off with what you need.
1. At least a 10g tank, smaller one work but a 10g will work best.
2. Lighting for the tank(any will work)
3. Heater
4. A couple grow out tanks
5. A few Decor(optional)
Food for Fry:
1. Liquid Fry(this is what i used and works best for me)
2. Miroworms
3. BBS
Ok now for the setup:
1. Setup the tank bare bottom and add the header set to 78 degrees. Then add the male. Put something that floats on the surface in the tank, that will hold the nest. Then get a female that is ready to breed and float it in a container with no top, inside the tank and the opposite side of where the nest will be. The male will start to build his nest and try to lure the female to the nest. The female will jump out when it wants to breed but the male may/will reject the female for a while just catch the female and place it back into the container. When the male is ready breeding will happen.
2. Setup is the same as above but with some decor place inside the tank. This will give the female a place to hide until the male is ready. Place both male and female inside the tank. So make sure there is hiding spot to female and retreat to for her safety. When male is ready breeding will happen.

After the spawning has finish you must take out the female and just leave the male. Leave lights on day and night so the male can see what he is doing. After about 2 or 3 days it should start hatching. Its best to remove the male after you see that fry's can swim horizontaly. If you are unlucky you will have a male that eat eggs and once it eats eggs use a different male(try not to feed the male when he is gaurding.)

Feeding the fry's.
1. The best way i've seen is the use of the product called liquid fry, but with this you have to keep a close eye on your water parameters. Then move on the BBS when you see that the fry has gotten large enough to eat BBS. So make sure you have plenty of BBS ready. Then when they get larger you can use black worms, just cut them into small pieces and feed them to the fish.
2. Another way is you can use microworms, i've used this method and did not like the survival rate. So i will not talk about this but if you would like to know ASK me.
(note: you dont need to feed the fry until their yolk has dissapear.)

Seeing if the female is ready for breeding:
Put the female in a container next to the male and if the female start to show vertical bars on her body she is ready and want to breed. Keep the female well feed and she will give lots of eggs.

I didn't run any filter because i like to keep the water as clam as possible but i keep a close eye on the water parameter.
Hope this help ask if you have any question.
This is how i did it but if anyone else wants to add or say something please do.

And have fun breeding.
Wow thanks that's great and very informative I'm thankful and have a few questions that are grow out tanks and Miroworms???
As well for blood worms if I wanna feed them to my already adult BETTA can I just put the worm in whole and let it eat them or do I need to cut it in half??? As well where can I find some lol :( sorry new at trying this
You will want grow out tanks because some will grow faster than others so they will need seperating and for microworms do a search on google's and you will find lots of info on it. On feeding adults yes just put the whole worm in there.
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