Betta Care

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 9, 2013
Okay, so I am NOT a beginner aquarist... Haha!

I recently decided to get two show quality male Bettas because I had two spare 5 gallon tanks.

I cannot for THE LIFE OF ME keep their poor fins in good condition!

I first used Tetra Whispers in their tank. I realized they started getting fin rot (or just taring) so I put them in smaller quarantine tanks and did the API treatment with the water changes etc.

I figured the filters might have been too much so I changed to two sponge filters... Same problem again!

I thought these were hardy fish!? I will admit I do not have experience with the lavish fins that these boys have. My main tank consists of a Clown Pleco, three Corydoras, two Dwarf Crayfish, a colony of Blue Velvet Shrimp and a colony of Crystal Red Shrimp.

What could I possibly be doing wrong?! Obviously with Crystal Shrimp I am very use to needing good water quality and constantly checking the parameters...

I am feeding them a variety of blood worms and Tetra Bettafin as well as a pellet of the Shrimp food here and there.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated... Should I move them both to a 5 gallon with a divider and just do daily 50% water changes?

There are no objects in their tanks that could be cutting their fins.

As long as your water quality is good you shouldn't be having any problems. Stop moving them around, keep them in the tanks you intend for them to be in and add a little melafix to prevent any secondary infections. The sponge filters should be fine for them. I would add some plants, if you don't already have some. Bettas love plants and it will give them somewhere to rest.
As long as your water quality is good you shouldn't be having any problems. Stop moving them around, keep them in the tanks you intend for them to be in and add a little melafix to prevent any secondary infections. The sponge filters should be fine for them. I would add some plants, if you don't already have some. Bettas love plants and it will give them somewhere to rest.

Okay! So I should stick with the sponge filters and not do the whisper filters? Or would the whisper filters be okay?

I bought each of them a couple more live plants and one of them as big round leaves for them to lay on. =)

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