betta feeding help!!!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 30, 2008
Phoenix, Arizona
I just bought a betta from the pet store, but when I brought him home he wouldnt eat! So I went on the internet and found out that the store usually feeds them high quality worms and stuff, but I dont have the worms, all I have is betta flakes. He doesnt just ignores them and doesnt eat them. So how do I get him off of his worm food diet and onto a flake food diet? I dont want him to die!
First thing I would do is dump the flake and feed him on some pellets and frozen or freeze dried blood worms. Only a small amount will do as with other fish, over feeding is a problem with bettas.
Also, since it hasn't been long since you brought him home, it will take him a while to settle in, get used to his new surroundings and the difference in water. It shocks their little bodies and some go in to a couple day depression.
Here are some good betta links.
It's not unusual for new bettas not to eat for a few days. I had a betta once that didn't eat for a week when he was new!

I would feed betta pellets like Hikari, HBH, or Ocean Nutrition brands as a staple food. Freeze-dried or frozen bloodworms can be fed once or twice a week. I soak all food in tank water to soften it before feeding. The food absorbs water in the stomach and can cause bloat. By soaking the food first, you eliminate most of the chances for bloat during feeding. I soak pellets for 2 1/2 to 3 minutes and bloodworms for about 30 seconds. You still want the pellets to float - if they are sinking, decrease the soaking time.
I agree with ditching the flakes. When i had a betta i fed him pellets and never had a problem. Thats all i really know.
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