Betta fin rot.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 8, 2011
As stated betta has fin rot I don't understand why it only happens to the poor betta and only him. I have Already lost one betta to this cause it got so bad then waited a month for the second one. I didn't want to treat the tank cause the tank was fairly new but im ready to start treatment.

What's the best medicine to treat this?

Tank info
Aquaclear 20
Cycled for 2 full months now
Apple snail-1
Neon tetras-6
Mexican crayfish-1
Male betta-1
Has live and fake plants.
20%water changes every week

I also did a 20-30% water change every other day for a week since I did a bit of research and found out that fin rot is related and or caused by dirty water. It didn't help though so now I've gone to my last resort I need to treat the tank.

Thanks for any advise!
Hi! The best treatment for fin rot i have found is a combo of maracyn & maracyn2 along with aquarium salt. But, i am not sure how this would affect your snails or crayfish & you probably should have another place to keep them while treating. But, you will have to monitor your water parameters closely & do pwcs as needed because this may affect your biological filter (bb).
They should be ok. The combo is safe for most fish. Just make sure you remove any carbon from the filter (if you have it in there). Let us know how things go & good luck!
Thank you so much. I really hope his fins grow back nicely it's a crowntail betta I really want it to be happy. I'll post status and pics later!!!
It may take a few mths for his fins to fully grow back. The important thing is to stop/heal the infection so they can properly heal. Lets see how this works & we will go from there!

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