Betta seizure?!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 21, 2012
Last weekend I got a betta and he has been fantastic, up until about an hour ago. I was watching him like I usually do and he seemed fine, swimming around like he'd been all week. Then, right in front of my eyes he flared and had what looked like a seizure! He shook violently for a minute, his spine curled one way and his once beautiful black throat instantly turned silver. It's like he instantly got sick or something! He's just keeps sinking to the bottom breathing really hard. I instantly did a 75% pwc but he doesn't look any better.

I checked my parameters and they are ammonia: 0 nitrites: 0 nitrates: 5 ph: 8.2

I have no idea what went on and I'm so afraid my beautiful Dagger is going to die. I can't believe it just seemed to happen right before my eyes. I'm traumatized and just so upset. :( I gave him so much and it still doesn't seem to be enough. He was in a cycled 10gal by himself.

I also think I saw some weird white worms swimming around. Could this be the cause of his sudden illness?
NekoOo said:
Last weekend I got a betta and he has been fantastic, up until about an hour ago. I was watching him like I usually do and he seemed fine, swimming around like he'd been all week. Then, right in front of my eyes he flared and had what looked like a seizure! He shook violently for a minute, his spine curled one way and his once beautiful black throat instantly turned silver. It's like he instantly got sick or something! He's just keeps sinking to the bottom breathing really hard. I instantly did a 75% pwc but he doesn't look any better.

I checked my parameters and they are ammonia: 0 nitrites: 0 nitrates: 5 ph: 8.2

I have no idea what went on and I'm so afraid my beautiful Dagger is going to die. I can't believe it just seemed to happen right before my eyes. I'm traumatized and just so upset. :( I gave him so much and it still doesn't seem to be enough. He was in a cycled 10gal by himself.

I also think I saw some weird white worms swimming around. Could this be the cause of his sudden illness?

I'll try and help as I know little about betta fish. Hopefully more experienced betta owners will chime in.

The pH seems high, although stability is key I was under the impression that betta fish liked lower pH and softer water. Also do you have a heater and what is the temp?

Also I'd have to say that anything with a nervous system can have a seizures.
Thank you for responding. The ph is a little high but it's been stable since before acclimating him on Saturday. I acclimate for about an hour by floating him and taking bag water and replacing it with the tank water every 10-15 minutes. I have a heater that keeps is at 78 degrees and he had a healthy appetite (up until the incident) and diet that consisted of blood worms, tropical flakes, and betta pellets. I only give him a small amount of food twice a day. A total of 3 water changes, including the one today, have been done since I got him. :(
I'm sorry your fish isn't doing well. I wish I could help more. Temp looks good, how's the fish right now?
He seems very slightly better. Still discolored an breathing heavily. I have him floating in the tank in a small Tupperware container because the filter makes him drift face down in the substrate. He comes up for air every now and again then lays back down. I'm hoping he'll pull through. I know bettas can survive much worse, but I guess I was a fool for thinking everything would be okay just because I did my research and put him in a cycled tank. You can do everything perfect and the unexpected still happens. Thank you so much for replying. I know there is not much anyone can do but it helped just being able to vent my current situation. Its the waiting game from here on.
He is doing okay this morning. He survived the night and doesn't seem to be sinking to the bottom anymore, I may try and release him back into the tank after another pwc. He almost seems normal except for now he has tattered fins and I'm afraid he might have another episode.

I looked over the tank and noticed my mature filter seems to be putting out this light, almost dust like film on the surface of the water (or perhaps it came from somewhere else and the filter just circulates it). It has never done this before, and my zebra snails crawl around in the filter and doesn't seem to harm them. I was just wondering if this odd film might be a factor. Going to do another big pwc and try and get rid of that film on the water and return Dagger to his tank. I'm hoping for the best. Thanks again Convict. You're one of my favorite users on this site and its nice knowing you're very well respected as a fishkeeper and you showed interest in my thread, it calmed me a bit even if we didn't find an answer or a cause. :3
Awe... Thank you for the kind words. I'm here to help when I can or just listen, I know how frustrating it can be when things are wrong with your fish and you can't find an answer.

I did read up today that it isn't really uncommon for fish to have seizers.

I'm glad your fish seems to be doing better and I hope all ends well.
He lived through a second night and seems even better today. He ate some blood worms this morning so I'm happy he has his appetite back. Still just watching, waiting, and hoping for the best.
NekoOo said:
He lived through a second night and seems even better today. He ate some blood worms this morning so I'm happy he has his appetite back. Still just watching, waiting, and hoping for the best.

Good news!! I'm pulling for ya! And your fish :)
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