Bill's 12 Long - A Rimless Iwagumi Build

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Could be, I've had them for a while now, but I'm just starting to see a lot of juvies... I've never seen any of them get larger than a few centimeters in diameter.
Billbug68 said:
Could be, I've had them for a while now, but I'm just starting to see a lot of juvies... I've never seen any of them get larger than a few centimeters in diameter.

I had a ton of those in my 20H before my Eastern American newt ate them all. Newts don't bother plants (except when they bite snails off of them!) and are safe with my shrimp and fish. I actually grow ramshorn snails in my 5.5 just to add into the 20 so he stays fed. Honestly, I don't mind ramshorns. They aren't troublesome.
I had a ton of those in my 20H before my Eastern American newt ate them all. Newts don't bother plants (except when they bite snails off of them!) and are safe with my shrimp and fish. I actually grow ramshorn snails in my 5.5 just to add into the 20 so he stays fed. Honestly, I don't mind ramshorns. They aren't troublesome.

So they won't actually cause any harm to the plants?
I have those snails too. Aside from feeding them to my puffers, i don't mind them. It's not like they eat your plants. I purposely stock MTS though.
I have those snails too. Aside from feeding them to my puffers, i don't mind them. It's not like they eat your plants. I purposely stock MTS though.

Ahhh! The truth comes out! I probably got them from your Hydrocotyle! I thought maybe they came in on the Byxa, but I did a good peroxide dip with them so I doubted it... Cool, now I know who to blame... Hahaha :)
Brian_Nano12g said:
I have those snails too. Aside from feeding them to my puffers, i don't mind them. It's not like they eat your plants. I purposely stock MTS though.

Really? Why do you like the MTS? I'll add them to my tanks if they're beneficial (and help feed the beast). I know they stay in the sand more than many snails.

Billbug68 said:
So they won't actually cause any harm to the plants?

None at all. They do eat dying leaves and a little algae off of healthy leaves, not to mention bits of food that the fish miss. I like them. They're just another helpful invert like shrimp or nerite snails. It's all about population control. If nerites could easily reproduce in a FW tank they'd be listed as pests (by many people) instead of being sold as cleaners. You could always get a pair of assassin snails if the population gets unruly.
Thanks for reassuring me everyone! I haven't seen any damage to the plants thus far, so I figured they were okay. It's nice to be reassured by you guys! I'm planning on trying a couple assassins down the road to keep the population under control. I know they like to burrow, I've had one before, I just hope they find the spots NOT carpeted to do so... :)
Ahhh! The truth comes out! I probably got them from your Hydrocotyle! I thought maybe they came in on the Byxa, but I did a good peroxide dip with them so I doubted it... Cool, now I know who to blame... Hahaha :)

Oops... You want me to get you assassin snails? I really don't get a population explosion from any snails i allow because i dont over feed. The ones i see, i immediately remove for my dwarf puffers to eat.
Really? Why do you like the MTS? I'll add them to my tanks if they're beneficial (and help feed the beast). I know they stay in the sand more than many snails.

They're great at aerating the substrate and cleaning it up of any uneaten food and detritus. They don't eat your plants either.
Oops... You want me to get you assassin snails? I really don't get a population explosion from any snails i allow because i dont over feed. The ones i see, i immediately remove for my dwarf puffers to eat.

I don't think I'm over feeding. I feed a pinch once a day. I was pulling them out for a while, but quickly grew too lazy for that...
Well my apologies if they came from me. I would think your peroxide dip would have taken cared of them. If you decide to leave them, they don't harm your plants. They eat algae and uneaten food.
Well my apologies if they came from me. I would think your peroxide dip would have taken cared of them. If you decide to leave them, they don't harm your plants. They eat algae and uneaten food.

Haha I'm only jokin dude! I didn't dip your plants, I only dipped the blyxa.

I can't complain, you sent me those plants for free! :D
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Brian_Nano12g said:
They're great at aerating the substrate and cleaning it up of any uneaten food and detritus. They don't eat your plants either.

Thanks for the info. I'll give em a shot. I don't have anything to aerate the substrate and I don't vacuum so they'll probably be a good fit. Are they known to uproot delicate, shallow rooted plants like HC or glosso?
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