Black Ghost Knife Fish Question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 29, 2009
Well, after losing all of my fish due to a power outage this winter, I've decided to start stocking again. I have a question regarding the Black Ghost Knife Fish.

I have a 55 gallon tank (48" wide, 12" deep) and after looking over several posts on this forum, internet articles, and a few library books, it seems like everyone is torn as to what size of tank to keep these fish in. Some say no smaller than 50 gallons will others state way above 100.

I suppose my question is (and it may be a stupid one), don't most fish grow to a max size consistent with the size of their tank? My instincts tell me if I kept one in my 55 gallon tank that it wouldn't grow as large as it would if it was in a much larger tank.

I don't know. Is this just a bad idea?
Hmm. Just saw someone on YouTube post a comment to a video stating that he's had his BGKF for close to 4 years and it's only about 6 inches...
keeping a fish with the intention of stunting it is never good. when i got mine it was 2-3 inchs. now its over 10 inchs and still growing. im currently running a 55 set up but it will be a 150 soon enough

I had a magnificent Black Ghost for about ten years and it was 10 inches long when it passed away (also in a 55)
Thanks for the replies. Sorry for your loss, Dano.

I went ahead and picked one up with intentions of upgrading my tank if need be. Beautiful fish to watch. It actually already ate blood worms right out of my hand!
they can grow to close to 2 feet. the quicker you get the bigger tank the better.
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