blister on plecto's belly (Picture)

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 31, 2005
Cardiff United Kingdom
I have enclosed a picture of my plecto and you can just see the blister
what can I do????? he seems to be eating and moves around ok
Sorry but I don't see an image....
Can you give some additional information? What tank size is he in? Tank mates? Water parameters?
What colour is the blister on your pleco's belly?
Your image tag does not seem complete, it should look something like this:

Without the space right in front of the last [/IMG]

If you pm a link to the picture I'll fix it for you.
I have tested all the water parameters and they are all fine he is with bristlenose 1cat fish/ 1 RTS/pink kissing fish 2 of and dalmation mollies and neons/clown loaches 3 and they are in a 4ft custom made tank . is like a little ballon and it it a pale brown colour but I can see through it.
Hi, Re: Plecos blister

:D good news the blister has now completely gone and he is doing just great,I have purchased a partner for him ,and have just recently transferred him from a 94 litre tank to a MEGA 450 litre and its 5 ft long
so he is well chuffed as are all the other's in the tank.
Thank you for all your help :D
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