Aquarium Advice Newbie
Hello everyone,
Since I had 2 blue diamond discus, since they were one month old, they have had accelerated breathing all the time, they are now 4 months old and have grown about 3.5". They have not shown any signs of illness, they usually eat 5 to 6 times a day and I make 30% changes every two days. My tank is 20 gallons with Aquaclear 50 filter (sponge, aqueon bioceramic rings and matrix media) air diffuser stone, Temp 84.2ºF, pH 7 amonia=0 nitrites=0 nitartes<10 and there are only the two of them in it. What could be causing this accelerated breathing?
Thank you for your answers
Since I had 2 blue diamond discus, since they were one month old, they have had accelerated breathing all the time, they are now 4 months old and have grown about 3.5". They have not shown any signs of illness, they usually eat 5 to 6 times a day and I make 30% changes every two days. My tank is 20 gallons with Aquaclear 50 filter (sponge, aqueon bioceramic rings and matrix media) air diffuser stone, Temp 84.2ºF, pH 7 amonia=0 nitrites=0 nitartes<10 and there are only the two of them in it. What could be causing this accelerated breathing?
Thank you for your answers