Blue Gourami's

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 5, 2011
I purchased what I believe a pair of blue 3 spot gourami's about 2 weeks ago for my established 55 gallon tank. I already had guppies, ghost fish, cardinal tetras, speckled corys in the tank. As well, when I bought the gourami's, I bought 4 angelfish. All were acclimated and put into the tank.

Everything was fine for three or four days, then started noticing what I believe is the male chasing the female, then he started chasing all my other fish. He would do this for about 5 seconds, then stop. The next day, I found all my guppies in about 1/3 of the end of the tank swimming around, not venturing from there, the female gourami under one of the rocks hiding, (same end as the guppies). The angels were swimming freely.

About a week went by since I bought them, still same characteristics, everyone would eat together for about 10-15 seconds, then the male would chase either the female or one of the others. 2 days ago, I found one of the cardinals dead in the morning, and one of the angels dead in the afternoon. I immediately suspected the male gourami had chased them until dead, caught him and put him in another (15 gal tall) tank I had set up last week just in case, also to start using as a quarantine tank. Immediately all my other fish started swimming in the whole tank.

The male appeared to settle down, so I put the female in with him, and yesterday he started chasing her. Today she won't hardly come out of hiding, and when she does he immediately starts chasing her and she hides again.

HELP! Is this normal? 1st set of gourami's don't know what to do! The one I believe us the male has a pointed dorsal fin, and the one I believe is the female has a rounded dorsal fin. Also no bubble nests started yet.
3 spot type gouramis especially males can be quite territorial. What you are seeing is not that unusual, I would return him to the store before you lose more fish.
Gouramis are weird ... I had a Gold one that would chase my blue one constantly ... similar to what you described ..... until I returned it back to the LFS. You may have to return yours and try another blue or maybe an opaline Gourami. I'd stay away from the Gold ones ... from what I understand they are even more aggressive.

My blue one is a good fit in my tank because I have mostly Barbs, yet a blue Gouramis is just tough and big enough to look after itself. But now I notice it chases my Gold Barb from time to time for a second or two ... but not the constant harassment it sounds like your going through
Thanks, I was planning on going tomorrow to get the angel replaced, since the lfs has a 14 day guarantee. Didn't think about returning the male. Am I correct in my assumptions on the sexing? And is this breeding or just terrorizing? The male was really getting close to visiting the other water park in my house with the porcelain slipper slide!
Makes little difference if you have males or females..It's actually very normal for gouramis to be territorial towards other gouramis. I would honestly recommend that you stick to just one per tank.
Coleallensmom said:
Makes little difference if you have males or females..It's actually very normal for gouramis to be territorial towards other gouramis. I would honestly recommend that you stick to just one per tank.

+1 to Coleallensmom,
IMO even just one could lead to a problem with the Angelfish.
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