Blue linkia?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 21, 2012
Starfish has been in my dt for 3 months. Any chance it just got into a tight spot and this will b ok??

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Not sure myself, really difficult to tell. Mostly a large scratch. Unsure if there is a pinhole in the middle. Sure am hoping not...???

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It spends most of its time at the top of the tank but yesterday was hiding in the rocks mostly. When I came home today I was happy to see him back out until I saw this Mark eeeks

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The problem with many starfish is that we do not know what they eat. They take months to starve to death if you don't have what it needs. A well established tank with a lot of rock is necessary to keep one of these long term IME.
Exactly. Tu Mr x. I did wait for several years before getting this guy and I have a lot of live rock unfortunately have lost count on #. But that doubt still lingers ugh

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Just make sure they are never exposed to air. They do good in large tanks with lots of rock.


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