Blue "lobster" destruction.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 24, 2013
Hello all,

I have a blue lobster/crayfish in my tank, and it will constantly tear out my dwarf grass i'm trying to grow. Any reason for this? I feed it cucumbers and algae wafers.
Hello all,

I have a blue lobster/crayfish in my tank, and it will constantly tear out my dwarf grass i'm trying to grow. Any reason for this? I feed it cucumbers and algae wafers.

I was looking into getting one of these for my tank but I want plants and dwarf grass and of this is common behavior I don't want get it in this current tank.
I have no idea. I also had a regular crawdad in the tank and it never bothered with it.
He's survived with five piranha for months now. If he doesn't make it I'll try the dwarf grass again someday.
They are terrified of my hand. Scaredy cats in the wild too, especially now. They are only 3 inches.
Im pretty sure only dwarf crays are plant safe

I have a CPO who never touches my plants unless they are visibly decaying
It sounds like Cherax Sp. or distructor. If so once the plants are gone it will dig the entire place up.
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