Bolivian rams!!!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 8, 2009
salt lake city utah
After a month give or take of the lfs having a pair of bolivian rams in qt for me ill be getting them on friday.

My question is besides the basics wat else do I need to know??? Ill be drip acclinating them

Also I have a question about drip acclimation, after the water level doubles do I have to empty half or can I leave to triple???
"After a month give or take of the lfs having a pair of bolivian rams in qt for me ill be getting them on friday."

Am I understanding this correctly - your LFS Quarantined the Rams for you?
How big is your tank? What are the other fish in the tank?

75 gallon, tank mates 8 tiger barb 4 black skirt 1 rainbow shark 7 platy and 2 three spot gourami, i might trade the gouramis for some more plants

I empty half and double it again.....

oh ok cool thx!!!

"After a month give or take of the lfs having a pair of bolivian rams in qt for me ill be getting them on friday."

Am I understanding this correctly - your LFS Quarantined the Rams for you?

yes they had them in a 20 long on the back of the store and i pretty much checked on them every 2 days!!!!
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