Brackish water eh? How do I do that?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 31, 2004
South Dakota

I've had a 10 gallon in the past and upgraded to a 55 a while ago. It's about time to put that 10-gallon to use.

I don't feel like making the leap to saltwater just yet, and a quarantine tank isn't too necessary since I'm down to only two fish in my 55. Though I'd see what brackish is all about. I really like those puffers, and failing that, the bumble bee gobies are awesome.

I'm just curious if anyone has good info on how to set up and maintain a brackish tank; or, could someone point me to a good article? Also just FYI's about pros, cons, and other considerations would be appreciated.

the main difference is obviously the presence of salt. brackish systems usually have a specific gravity of (1.001 to 1.013 at its highest) so somewhere in that range is good (I do not know for SURE what is the exact best reading to have though.) However the do not have as much salt as a marine system which generally has a specific gravity reading of (1.020-1.024). what you would want to be mainly concerned with is if all your equipment is anything but metal because saltwater corrodes metallic objects. and basically you would need some-most (but i would imagine not all) of the same equipment that a marine tank has.
but brackish is a good stepping stone to saltwater, being that the fish tend to be rather hardy and easy to feed for the most part.
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