Brand New 29 Gallon Upgrade!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 28, 2013

Adding gravel, Red and Black.


Decorations and water.


Just added Jack!! He seems very happy now, much better than the 10 gallon!
Was told by a few people here to run the old filter-on left- for a bit.


Jack, my Calico Telescope Eyed Goldfish.


More of happy Jack!


The place where his 10 gallon used to be = my new TV/Gaming space!!
Though my bedroom is lonely now...
The thing on the side is the automatic feeder set to small feedings every 24 hours.
Looks good! I thought the plants were real for a minute. Good choice.
Thanks! I was using an iPad to take pictures and they turned out not so good :p but he seems very happy now
Looking good! Have you got any more plans for the new tank?
Looking good! Have you got any more plans for the new tank?

I might get more decorations, like taller plants. I may add one more bag of black gravel if I can find a way to do it safely and not have to empty the whole tank.
I'm working on getting a job at petsmart to work with the fish, so I can be the good fish keeper and tell people the proper way to take care of fish! And I'd get discounts on all the fish stuff I buy haha. I may try a live plant once I learn more about having them.
I might get more decorations, like taller plants. I may add one more bag of black gravel if I can find a way to do it safely and not have to empty the whole tank.
I'm working on getting a job at petsmart to work with the fish, so I can be the good fish keeper and tell people the proper way to take care of fish! And I'd get discounts on all the fish stuff I buy haha. I may try a live plant once I learn more about having them.

With the gravel, you can add it a handful at a time, as long as you don't mind getting your hand wet. As you can place it on gently on the surface and spread out as desired.

I'd envy you that job by the way.
That'd be totally fine haha if I ever get a build up of algae (has happened only twice, was basically bedridden with a respiratory infection and back pain and couldn't do water changes) I just stick my hand in there :p though I'm sure not to have any lotion on my hands that could get into the water, and thoroughly wash my hands after as to not get sick from dirty fish water.
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