Breeding snails

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 12, 2009
Cincinnati, OH
I just got a couple of puffers and I want to set up a bowl for some snails so that they can multiply and create more snacks. I put some gravel, root tabs, and an Anachris plant into a fish bowl, and every time I see a snail in my FW tank I put it into the bowl. There's one big one and several very small ones that are probably its offspring. I'll probably go to the LFS tomorrow and take a few snails off their hands. My question: is there anything else I will need to accommodate this? These are the same kind of pest snails that people try to kill off and can't do it.
As long as the have a food source and not completely foul water, they will reproduce.
I used to keep a 1 gallon for the same reason. No filter PWC every once in a while.

as long as there is an abundance of food they will reproduce. I have used celery, cucumber, potato to good effect.
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