Brian's(Old Scales)Rescape Journal "Yikes!"

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Hi Brian. Your rescape looks great! Can't wait to see it fill in. Btw, are you going to continue to dose glut, albeit having a CO2 system?
Brian, I want to continue dosing Glut with the CO2 for its little extra boost and to help keep the Algae Demons at bay. However, I am holding off on the new scape because I've read the Subwassertang moss doesn't like Glut. But, after I see it start to grow and recover, I'm going to try dosing a little and watch to see how it handles it. I have some Fissedens fontannis ordered for the top of the DW and right end of the other piece. If it does a lot better I may go all Fissedens. Have you any experience with the Subwassertang? OS.
Yeah.. that's the reason I asked. My subwassertang and riccia melted pretty darn fast with excel. The moss didn't even get phased. This would pretty much conclude, IME, that subwassertang will hate you for that glut. Its tolerance is even lower than moss.
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Hmm my subwassertang didn't react badly to Excel. But I hardly ever remember to dose either. I know it goes nuts when I remember to dose my Trace though.

yeah, I'm a bad plant mommy :( but everyone is vibrant, go figure.
Hmm my subwassertang didn't react badly to Excel. But I hardly ever remember to dose either. I know it goes nuts when I remember to dose my Trace though.

yeah, I'm a bad plant mommy :( but everyone is vibrant, go figure.

I'm not sure what I did wrong exactly. I may have been a little too ambitious with excel? Perhaps if you start off real slowly with it and incrementally up the dose religiously, it may acclimate to it? I had flame moss in this same tank, and it did fine on the contrary. I know moss, in general, would be the next most sensitive plant to too much excel. So if my moss survived, while the subwassertang and riccia withered away, there's something amiss (user error or glut in general). Anyway, I know Valissneria sp. are sensitive to excel, too... I've also read that some hobbyists report their Vals doing well when they slowly add in excel. Not sure if there's a similar correlation here.
IF and I say IF I try Glut on them it will be in tiny increments. But I'm going to see if just the CO2 will be enough with balanced frets to keep algae away. I was lucky, thanks to Rivercats, and never got any algae after starting the CO2.
I am sure glad you shared your experience with me. You might have saved my stang.
Thank you man! OS.
Good news.

My old buddy Ian086 called me an amateur because all I had to trim plants with was my wife's small hair scissors. He hurt my feelings! (not really) So I just got my Acme Handy Dandy Aquarium Plant Tool Kit from the mail. Pic enclosed. By the way, the pincers work on pulling nose hairs too. Might try a haircut with the scissors now. LOL. Just imagine what I could do with the little trowel! OS.


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My old buddy Ian086 called me an amateur because all I had to trim plants with was my wife's small hair scissors.
Correct and
By the way, the pincers work on pulling nose hairs too.
Way too much information.....
Just imagine what I could do with the little trowel! OS.
Some things are just best left unsaid....haha
That's where I got my stuff. As long as it gets the job done, right? ;) I only have some long planting tongs and small curved scissors. Haven't found use for anything else, yet. I just use a long paint brush for shaping substrate... :lol:
Nice chrome OS! I got a set from Amazon too! Great deal! Just because you have semi-surgical tools does not make you a surgeon; )
I need some long handled scissors some day. try to get down into my 36 inch deep 115g is impossible, even on a step stool. Though I do have some awesome 18 inch tweezers I got off of a herp site. They work great. Well, except in that tall tank.

I hate having short arms.
I'm not sure what I did wrong exactly. I may have been a little too ambitious with excel? Perhaps if you start off real slowly with it and incrementally up the dose religiously, it may acclimate to it? I had flame moss in this same tank, and it did fine on the contrary. I know moss, in general, would be the next most sensitive plant to too much excel. So if my moss survived, while the subwassertang and riccia withered away, there's something amiss (user error or glut in general). Anyway, I know Valissneria sp. are sensitive to excel, too... I've also read that some hobbyists report their Vals doing well when they slowly add in excel. Not sure if there's a similar correlation here.

Maybe light dosing to start is the key. I know when I do remember to dose, my vals don't have issues either unless I use Excel as an algae treatment and spray it directly on them. I use it in a cheap little spray bottle and give everything a light mist. But then, doing it that way, most everything reacts by browning.

But then again, I also have a planted brackish tank and have had ludwigia repens growing like a weed in it. So maybe I am a special snowflake ;)
I did get a surprise yesterday and it continues today. The plant that I thought would be the last to pearl was the first one to do so. A you know, Crypt parva is notorious for being a slow grower. All four of the little parva that I planted are pearling. I move these from the 16 gallon medium light, glut only tank to the 29. Obviously they like the CO2 and higher light very much.
The Glosso is recovering surprisingly quick. In a day or two I'm going to have to take the pincers and push down some of the longer side shoots. That should make it carpet quicker. The Subwassertang moss is not really doing anything yet. More Voo Doo chants to come.
I will post a picture of the tank on Friday to show the growth progress.
Thank you all for your comments and help.
Take care, Brian(OS)
I did get a surprise yesterday and it continues today. The plant that I thought would be the last to pearl was the first one to do so. A you know, Crypt parva is notorious for being a slow grower. All four of the little parva that I planted are pearling. I move these from the 16 gallon medium light, glut only tank to the 29. Obviously they like the CO2 and higher light very much.
The Glosso is recovering surprisingly quick. In a day or two I'm going to have to take the pincers and push down some of the longer side shoots. That should make it carpet quicker. The Subwassertang moss is not really doing anything yet. More Voo Doo chants to come.
I will post a picture of the tank on Friday to show the growth progress.
Thank you all for your comments and help.
Take care, Brian(OS)

Are you really gonna make us wait till Friday?... That's like 14 hours bud..
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