Bulb Blown

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 28, 2004
I have had my corallife PC lights for 7-8 months (I guess) and I went to turn them on, and one just glowed orange/yellow at the end and made a buzzing noise. They are over the water, but Darin at Captive Reefs( where I bought them from) said that was ok, as many people do that. Is that what PC lights look like when they blow? I know I needed to change them soon, but I thought they would last longer. I turned the light off, because I didn't want to start a fire. Thanks
Generally, these bulbs should be changed out every 6 months or so. However, I haven't had one blow out on me though.

i have always read that pc bulbs should be changed every 1 year. not 6 months. also, if you have multiple bulbs, you should only change 1/2 at a time...

maybe im wrong :cry:

I guess what I'm asking is not when they need to be changed, but I want to make sure the orange glowing and noise is normal for a blown bulb. I will buy another bulb, but I'm more afraid the unit is defected and start a fire, just wanted to know if anyone else has seen this on a blown PC bulb.
Check your ballast. Perhaps that is where the problem exists. Have you tried to put another bulb in there to see if it does the same thing?

They are over the water
Are they directly over the water or do you have them raised an inch or two or is there a glass top under them?
I would guess that you have a blown bulb. If it was the ballast you would probably have smelled smoke and you would not see the glow. You should PM Darin to be sure. He's always been very responsive.

These bulbs do need to be changed every 6 months. At 7-8 months they have aged to point or being great for algae growth.
Yea, I don't know why I didn't think to try the other bulb.....I guess the bulb burned out because the other bulb works fine in that socket. Will my colt corals, green star and button polyps be ok until a new bulb arrives? That leaves 65 watts for a 29 gallon tank. It probably won't be here till the end of next week. I'm going to order 2 or 3 so I have extra.
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