Burned Toadstool?!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 20, 2009
I have had my 45gal SW up for a year now and everything is thriving. My quaestion is: It appears that one of my heaters came loose from the glass and got close enough to my Toadstool leather coral to damage it :)( burned?). The head of the coral has a diameter of at least 6" and the damaged section is on the edge about a ½" square.
Do I need to do anything like remove the damaged section or will the coral heal on its own?
well leathers are a fairly easy to cut just take out of tank and take some scissors to it its a scary feeling at first but you get used to it i would cut the spot off if it seems as if it wont come back i dont have any experience with one being burned i would think that spot has had it right now. But its very easy to cut the spot off i iodine dip might be a good idea after the cut. to keep infections off. kent marine iodine from lfs
I agree. Just keep an eye out and if it looks like it`s going south then go ahead and frag it. Leathers are fairly easy to frag.
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