Cam's 10 gallon journal

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So I bought a new tank spray painted the back and let it wait for a day. I then bought organic dirt and placed about an inch in the tank then took out my fish and plants from my old tank, drained the old tank and took out the sand, placed the sand on top of the soil on the new tank, replanted everything placed my filter and heater back in and filled it up with new water conditioned it and added in my fish and snail. Tomorrow hopefully my snail will come out of hiding which he has been for a week:( and I'll start re-dosing fertilizers! Here's the tank after hours of hard work today thanks for watching! :


I know it doesn't look great but driftwood plants and rocks are on the way! I'll test my water when I get home tomorrow !:)
Looks great! How deep is your sand cap? Looks a tad deep from my view of the picture.
Lol it is I put too much dirt and sand :/ idk what to do now

There's about 1.5" of dirt and 1.5" of sand
I just need new plants and I need to learn how to aquascape and take pictures!
Water test:

pH: 6.6
Ammonia: 2.0
Nitrate: 2.5

I don't know what is causing the ammonia spike and what is causing the pH to decrease so much but I think I'm going to stop the CO2 as suggested by Rivercats until my tank finishes cycling.
Water test:

pH: 6.6
Ammonia: 2.0
Nitrate: 2.5

I don't know what is causing the ammonia spike and what is causing the pH to decrease so much but I think I'm going to stop the CO2 as suggested by Rivercats until my tank finishes cycling.

Driftwood lowers PH, not sure about the ammo. Try doing water changes more often and start using prime water conditioner. That's how I got my ammonia down :)
I think I may remove all my fish and do a fish less cycle I might buy an aquaclear 20 because I'm tired of this aqueon
After I get my tank cycled :( and I'm not leaving it like this at all! I need to remove some sand and I'm adding in rocks and driftwood soon. My tank has gone through much trouble and still hasn't cycled after months.
Driftwood lowers PH, not sure about the ammo. Try doing water changes more often and start using prime water conditioner. That's how I got my ammonia down :)

Not all types of DW lower Ph. True Bogwood really lowers Ph but most DW has very little effect on Ph.
The pH dropped because of easy balance and co2 I think I'm going to undo the co2 for a while and never use easy balance again.. I'm going to order flourish excel to replace the co2
Today I removed the purple rock because I bellekvef the decaying moss is causing ammonia build up. Ammonia is at 8 ph is 7.4 and nitrite 0 so my cycle still isn't working :/
For my cycles i always add some feeder fish or something hardy to help the cycle start. It usually works in 2 weeks then i would leave the tank running for 2 more weeks.
I have two platies in the tank right now but the ammonia raises like crazy. It's at 8 right now!
Here's an update:


My snail destroying some hygro!


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