can anyone part on some moss??

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 28, 2004
Portage, indiana
i have been looken and looken for some moss for my tank and no store around here in indiana were i live have it or can get it. if any of you can spare some i will pay for it. looken for any kind or moss. well hope some one can help me out. what im looken to do is a ground cover if moss isn't the way to go then maybe something else???
If you can ever get down to Bloomington, Delilah's pet shop is my former LFS. They have a great selection of plants IMO, even though that is probably a 3 hour drive for you.... I guess you may have better luck in Chicago with a much shorter drive, now that I think about it.

Delilah's is great though, as far as plants! I live in Louisville now, but I'll probably scope out their selection next time I'm back in Btown visiting friends.
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