Can fish die giving birth to babies???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 6, 2009
Hello there. Sorry I haven't posted anything for a while in here (been so busy with work). Anyways; this morning when I woke up; I found one of my Platies floating on the top of the tank; and upon further inspection; I did realize that this fish was deceased. I removed the fish, and as I was testing the water to see if there was any quality conditions that may have caused the death (as I have made it a habit to do with any death in my tanks); I realized that there was 3 - 4 babies swimming around the plants. None of the fish in my tank appeared to be pregnant; but I was wondering if they may have been the cause of death to my Platy. As I already stated; the fish did not exhibit any signs of pregnancy ( swollen belly, induced appetite, "gravid" spots, wierd behavior, etc.); however is it possible that she had these babies and stressed her to death??? I now feel bad that if there were any other signs that I could have noticed; I would have been able to place her in to the breeder tank (the kind that floats on the water); and been able to pay better attention to her. Also; every night before I go to bed; I observe them for a few minutes this way if I do wake up and there's any problems...I could possibly have a better idea of what may have happened; but she was swimming around with the other fish without a care in the world; so thought everything was ok. I do water testing 1-2 times a week (depending on the look of water and fish activity) and also do a 15 - 20% water change every 2 - 3 weeks.
Short answer, yes. Its hard to say one way or another without being there to see what happened. I had a female guppy that died while giving birth a while back. It had dropped around 15 fry and then it began to swim up and down, brushing itself against the side of the tank. I knew something wasn't right immediately. I removed her from main tank and put her in QT. She dropped 3 more fry within an hour and then passed away. Giving birth can stress the fish and if she was ill before giving birth then that can complicate things even further.
not uncommon at all. meegosh said the stress of it along with just being over all weak from it unable to recoup.
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