can i feed my otto this?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 5, 2005
winchester, ky
i was thinking about buying some seaweed leaves for my otocinclus to graze over, will they eat these?? i was lookins at julian sprungs sea veggies or seaweed select.
otos can eat Kale and apparently sushi grade seaweed as well. They also like lightly cooked broccoli and a little zuccini.

A friend told me his otos always starved to death so I went on a mission to planet catfish and got these ideas. My otos go nuts for the kale. Freeze the leaf first, to break cell walls, then put it in. Let it stay 2 days as the otos really love it when its good and mushed.
Very strange! I have never once EVER had to feed my oto's anything...not like if I tried, I would succeed anyway! :) Those little yo-yo loaches eat everything.

I have had 4 oto's in my 38-gallon for over a year now, and they are all very healthy. I don't scrape the algae off the back wall of my aquarium though, either, so they always have something to eat. They keep my tank clean, and I have never fed them once!
so far I have no visible algae, in part because of olive nerites and ottos, but also the luck of a newish tank. i want to keep them healthy
i feed zuchini, yellow squash, spinache leaves, peas, and carrots in my tanks. Mostly zuchini though.
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