Can it be done???

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 24, 2005
Okay we bought a betta yesterday for our 40 gallon aquarium while we where in a pet store we saw a common fan shrimp and we are thinking about getting one but we have read some where that the betta can and will attack them. Do any of you have any experience or or thougths on this?
I don't know if this helps or not but, I have several female bettas in a tank with ghost shrimp and they ignore the shrimp. :?
at a top size of 2" I think the betta will be hard pressed to attack it..

They are entertaining to watch (I have Vampire (aka Camaroon)) and you can watch them for quite a while very smooth movements.

Oh, and those look very cool :D:) (the red one right?)

I'ld also make sure there is some ground cover, and at least a few live plants if you can.. (mine are always under a piece of driftwood, I can see them, but I don't think they know that) :D
I think it is that one but not sure lol, no probs with live plants thats all we have in both Aquariums. Well i guess we will try and and see how it goes,lol i will let ya know when we get it and how the betta takes it.
the shrimp SHOULD do fine. I say should because there is always a chance that when the shrimp molts that it could be beaten and eaten.
Yes that is true what if we built a speacial cave for him to crawl under during that time would he be fine if he stayed in there?
Mine stay under driftwood or in a piece of 1.5" Conduit I put in.. either will help them out (but I'ld use smaller conduit, perhaps 3/4" since mine are already 2.5-3")
if he stayed there it is possible. Again ... when it comes to molting ... he has that 3 day period (or more) where his shell is as soft as his meaty flesh. Personally i wouldn't add any brine shrimp. If you fish get a real good taste for shrimp then you may not have him any more. Again ... this happened to me and the various shrimp that i kept. Keep caves and plants for shelter. It will all help :D
LOL, Well then he gets no shrimp in his diet the problem with him hiding in the live plants is our betta tends to hang out on them him self sometimes he will even lye in them :) so we will try and make a special for him and hope that he is smart enough to stay in there during his molting time.
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