Can keep anemone in 2 ft tank?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 9, 2003

I am in the mist of cycling my tank. I would like to check with you bros here if it is alright to keep anemone in 2 ft tank? if its ok, what are the neccessary thing that i have to watch out for?

Do i have to buy a protein skimmer for keeping Anemone? What are some of the food i can feed it ? As for lighting, since i just have a 2ft by 1.5 by 1 ft tank ( those normal nisso, five plan 2 ft tank)
Do i still need to buy powerful lighting like 2*55Watt since the depth of my tank is not deep?
Can I make do with other normal lighting for marine setup?

Also, how frequently must i on the light every day? will switching the lights on from 7-11pm(4hrs) every night be enough for anemone? since i am uncomfortable with leaving the lights on during daytime when no one is at home.

As for arrangement of LRs in the tank, do i need to rearrange so that there will be no caves, in case my anemone get stuck in it and is deprived of light?

Between, are there hardy anemone around? What are some of the recommended species to keep if i just want it to play host for common clown? saw them in various sizes. Better to keep those smaller in size or those bigger in size?

Lastly, any particular website whereby i can read more on rearing anemone in small tank?

Sorry for my long thread. Cos i really hope to clear my doubts once and for all in the art of keeping anemone in small tank.

I hate to give you bad news, but here's the deal. You shouldn't put an anemone in a tank that's less than a year old. They don't do well in new tanks...often they don't do well in older tanks either. 2x55w probably won't be enough light although, depending on the anemone you have, you might get by with it. Lights would have to be on 10-12 hrs every day. I'm not sure about keeping an anemone in a tank the size of the one you have...again it would depend on which one you had...some of them get huge. None of them are really hardy. They range from difficult to impossible. You're on the right track though...keep reading and asking questions.
As Logan said, you need to wait until the tank is established. Most people recommend about 1 year. I think 110w will be enough for lighting most anemones in that size tank. You will need to research the anemone you choose to see if they will out grow your deminsions before you put it in the tank.
If you are just looking for a good host for a clown fish then they will generally host with anything in a tank, including corals.

Of course most salt water tanks with any corals or anything besides fish will need to have the lights left on for 10-12 hours a day. They rely on the sunlight (flourescent light) to produce the needed food to live.
My LFS has one of those plastic 7.5 gallon bowfront tanks sitting on the counter next to the cash register. It's still got the stock light in it which I'm assuming is around 9 watts. It has some live rock along with an anemone and a clown fish. The fish spends most of it's time swimming in the tenticals. There's also a little dark purple fish about the size of a nicle. I think there was some sorta crab in there to. The thing has been sitting there for at least 4 months now... I have no idea how they maintain it.
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