Can Platy's be happy by themselves?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 4, 2013
Omaha, NE
I was offered a sunset platy from my brother, but he only wants to give me one. Would the little guy be okay by himself? I have two mollies and three guppies in my tank.
I have Guppies, Mollies, and one Platy in my community and it is just fine. Although they enjoy each others company they are not a schooling fish and do not need to be in a group.
Lone Platy

I was offered a sunset platy from my brother, but he only wants to give me one. Would the little guy be okay by himself? I have two mollies and three guppies in my tank.

Hello lina...

Keep the water pure with large, frequent water changes, have a well planted tank and feed a well balanced diet and your Platy will be happy.

Technically you could but they like to be together.i always see my guppies chasing each other and swimming around. Your single fish might get lonely and bored being less interesting to watch
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