Can someone tell me what's wrong with my gold panda molly ?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 4, 2019
Recently i bought a 32 gallon aquarium & and i put my guppies and Mollies in it in the same day i filled it with water so the water is 100% new. Then after couple of days some mollies started to have some white spots on their head, tails & find. The fish usually dies after week or ever less than a week . I checked it's not the usual ( white spot ) disease cuz in this condition the fish is losing her scales around the area where the white spots are.

Please i need help to what kind of disease is this & if it was a contagious disease. Personally i think it's some kind of fungus but not sure about it.

Here's an image of my sick gold panda molly.

Your tank wasn't cycled when you put the fish in. What are your water parameters/water change schedule? If you don't know then I suggest you test it. Could be ammonia poisoning.
hi, you have to run a tank for about 6 weeks without fish. Once it is ready (cycled) it will have the beneficial bacteria that fish need to live in an aquarium. If you want to speed this up then you can buy bacteria in a bottle at most pet stores. make sure water temp is ideal for the type of fish, i usually keep mine at 78 degrees. Are you treating the water for chlorine before you put it in the tank? What are your nitrate/nitrate/NH3 levels?
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