Can we get a sticky topic on online fish buying?

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 16, 2003
Berkeley, CA
I would love to have a single thread gathering positive and negative experiences with the major online fish vendors. If there's a place that consistently delivers disease free and happy fish, I would very interested in identifying it. Maybe someone more in the know than I could list out the top five and the first post in the thread good be a thumbs up/thumbs down tally or other rating of those vendors.

What do ya think?
Well alot of the posts on this are in the general retailers forum. although it seems most of us are saltwater that buy fish online. sells freshwater fish and has a decent repution for high quality shipping methods.

I have an article in the articles section on things to look out for when buying livestock online.
I still think it would be nice for people to report on their individual experiences, but maybe not enough people do it to make a sticky post worthwhile. Any more thoughts on this?
I bought all my fish online...never had any problems...bought some from,, and has a nice selection of freshwater fish that I have not seen at other online fish stores. However the fastest shipping is from, I have bought most of my fish from them and they never arrived in bad condition.
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