Can You Over-Flourish

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 16, 2011
Central Florida
Hey all, probably a stupid question.

I got picked up some SeaChem Flourish and I'm about to give my new plants their first dose. Coming from Singapore, they surely had a rough trip so I was thinking about throwing in an extra cap full to get them on the right track and lift their spirits a bit. Smart or Stupid idea?
nice man thanks, i love this forum. fish and football what a sunday! haha
thanks for the advice, I knew I should ask before I go tossing too much in.

I have two 36" 12k Daylights in my 55, that good enough? When constructing my hood I thought it may actually be a bit overkill but I dont quite know. The plants look ok so far, I have a few "melted" looking leaves, but was warned it will probably happen due to the change in parameters. I think they'll be good though and if not I'm sure you'll see a new thread from me tomorrow freaking out haha

thanks bud!
oh sorry I dont know how I forgot that part, so many numbers haha...

T6HO 36" 39w 12k Daylights are what I got in there, and I'm new into the whole planted tank, so just by the huge string of numbers in the name of the bulb, they seemed a bit overkill but I'm just a beginner. Extremely bright too i must say,Lift up the hood while those lights are on and you can go blind!! haha

Thanks man sorry for the late reply, I passed out watchin football for a bit... :p
I am running 4x39w on my 40 breeder, so no, on a 55 that's not too much. The issue that you will see is that you'll have dark spots on the ends of your tank. I ran in to this running two 2' fixtures on a 6' tank. That'll be good lighting though, you can probably grow about anything you want minus some of the more light demanding carpeting plants like HC (might even be able to?).

But yeah, don't overdose the flourish. You'll have a mess of algae if you do.
Thanks for the info mfdrookie, yeah my tank got no dark spots luckily. My tank is 4' and my lights are 3' so it fills in my hood with only about 6" or less on each side of the lights, the only thing that I dont like it tho, is instead of buying a single 2 bulb unit, I have two single bulb units, so I got each light plugged in separately... Rookie mistake, thought at first I'd be able to get away wit just one, but quickly realized a second wouldn't hurt! Ohhh well ya live and ya learn, and in this hobby everyone seems to be living and learning quite a lot!

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