Can you put goldfish in with apple snails?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Dec 21, 2013
I had to bring 2 of my comets in from my pond as it is starting to get cold out now. For the fall/winter they will be housed in a 20 gallon long tank with 3 apple snails. I just wanted to know if the comets are going to bother my snails at all. BTW the snails are full grown.

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I have one last question. Will the goldfish eat the gravel? I keep seeing them pick it up like there tasting it and than spitting it out. Is this a concern? Thanks

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It's common for them to "sift" the gravel and I think they'll be nice with the snails

Becareful Goldfish can get gravel stuck in there mouths.This happened to my fancies twice so i decided to change to large pebbles instead of gravel but i must say this only happened twice in a period of nearly a year. So the majority of the time they are ok. Just check them often.
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