Canister Filter Media Questions

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 25, 2011
Corpus Christ, TX
Hey guys,

I have a AquaTop CF300 that I've been running on my main tank for a few months now and was wondering what to do about media in a canister filter. Right now I have it set up as follows -

1) Bonded filter pad, filter floss
2) filter floss
3) Ceramic rings

Is there something I should be using that is more adept at mechanical filtration in this set up than the simple blue/white pads and stuffing it with floss? Replacement pads are not cheap so I'm going for a more "home-made" route.

If anyone has any input it'd be greatly appreciated :)

i only run bio media and the stock mechanical (sponges) that came with the filters. rinse and reuse.

ive read that some people use the little $general kitchen scrubby pads in their filters. they say the cheaper the better because they dont come predosed with soap or anything like that.

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