Can't adjust my water parameters

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 9, 2004
I have actually posted threads like this a while back that got really long and had a lot of good information in it, but unfortunately whatever I am trying isn't working. Summary: Try to setup a Malawi tank and want my gH and kH higher along with my pH. My pH is currently around 8.0 but the highest I can get my gH and kH is about 6 and I at least want the kH higher for water changes. Like I said in my sig I have crushed coral on the bottom floor, a 44lb limestone rock and crushed coral running through the filters. Should I try replacing the crushed coral with this African Cichlid mix?;category_id=2409

Was also thinking of a last resort, of using African Cichlid buffer, but not sure how much of a pain it will be during water changes since I like to use my python to fill the tank. Would also like to know what values it buffers to if anyone knows:;category_id=2771

Thanks for any help.
I have the African Cichlid mix in my tank and I don't think it is any "better" than crushed coral - I got it because I was planning on shellies and they need a sandy substrate.

I have found it takes quite some time for the buffering to take place, and I don't think you will have any trouble keeping mbuna in the water you have right now. I too use a python and mix in cichlid "salts" but just dissolve that in a small quantity of tank water and slowly pour it in as I am filling. I have the cichlid buffer but never actually used it - too much of a pain, and for me the possible risks of pH fluctuations are not worth the trouble.

Many people go to much more trouble than I do, beacuse it is worth it to them, so you need to decide if you want to fool with it. If you could get your water harder that would be great, but I don't think it is required for success.

I am sure you will get some suggestions on how to accomplish what you want to, and hats off to you for wanting to have things just right for your fishes! :D
Thanks Tankgirl I was thinking about using Cichlid salts as well but was not sure to what degree they helped out. I am also sketchy on using the buffer since it seems like there would be more potential for something to go wrong. My main concern is that when I perform water changes my pH will drop because my kH isn't very high. Oh by the way its been months since I added the coral etc so I'm guessing it has reached its peek as far as adjusting my water parameters.
I think as the tank matures you will see a gradual increase in your KH and GH, maybe in another 3 months or so - are there fish in there now?

I think the salts help a lot and are easy enough to dose, and you don't have to test for anything to get it right.
One more last question for this topic. You still add aquarium salt when changing the water right ?
Yes, but only salt the amount of water that is being replaced. To clarify, the "salt" I use is Seachem Cichlid Lake Salt, which is a combination of magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium, and trace elements as well, to try to mimic the rift lake conditions.
My main concern is that when I perform water changes my pH will drop because my kH isn't very high.
As long as you are not doing huge water changes and only doing about 25%, I would not worry about pH fluctuations.
O I know about only salting the amount I replace. What I meant was do I still use both the aquarium salt and the cichlid salt or do I just use the cichlid salt. I have the same Seachem salt as you do.
Unless for breeding reason the current kH will be ok, in fact i seen quite a number of cichlids breed in water outside their "required" water parameter.

Depend you tap water kH/gH/pH, worse to worst probabily 10% water change every few days will not cause the water para swing.

I doubt the pleco will enjoy the african cichlid tank setup. :|

That is too true, vega - the pleco is not going to appreciate the salt.

At any rate - I use only the cichlid salt and no aquarium salt. I wanted to clarify to any folks new to Africans reading this that I don't keep a brackish African tank, LOL!
I thought I answered it about whether to use aquarium salt (no) - but I'll shut up if you are waiting for some more opinions, LOL!
O im so sorry Tankgirl, I didn't notice it went on to the next page hah. Yes you did answer my question, now I will be the one to shutup. Thanks
I do that all the time - you would think I would learn after all this time :?

Keep us posted with how it goes-
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