Carey's 40b Reef Build

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Yep, a hawaii hawk and a sifter goby whose name eludes me right now. lol He is a sifter though and the hawk I had never seen one like it before.
Got all the fish acclimating now, so far the yellow and naso are behaving together in the bucket, now to see if the other tangs accept them. This will be my last foray into naso's if this one doesnt make it. Another 30 min or so and the fish will all go into their new homes! woot!
Yep, a hawaii hawk and a sifter goby whose name eludes me right now. lol He is a sifter though and the hawk I had never seen one like it before.
Got all the fish acclimating now, so far the yellow and naso are behaving together in the bucket, now to see if the other tangs accept them. This will be my last foray into naso's if this one doesnt make it. Another 30 min or so and the fish will all go into their new homes! woot!

Looks like an orange spot diamond goby.
He's completely white. lol Seems like all the fish are doing ok. The yellow got harassed a bit by the tomini, but the lights are off so I am hoping for the best. :)
I havent qt'd since i dont know when. The 40b is a new tank with nothing in it so thats pretty much an easy call. And the tangs, well, I figure its less stressful to just put them in rather than put them thru a qt period and then have to move them again. I've been relatively lucky as far as qt'ing goes. It also helps that i only buy fish after a thorough inspection and from reliable sources. I must have watched these two tangs for over an hour today before committing to buy em. lol
It looks like the tomini has finally left the yellow alone. Now to see what the blue tang does when the lights go on in the morning. I had the lights out since I acclimated them to avoid any issues. The yellow tang looked so much bigger in the store, lol, but he is half the size of the naso and only a small fraction of the size of tomini and pootie tang.
They are both kinda thin, so I hope to fatten them up. They also both ate like pigs after they went into the tank. All good signs. :)
I just remembered the name of the goby, its a ladder slider. Never heard of it but will do a little research on him. :)

A little update:
The yellow banana wrasse is doing really well in the 90g, very active and eats well.
The hawaiian hawk also is doing ok, eats very very well too. Havent seen the little goby yet today, but he is very tiny and white so he blends in really well with the sand. lol
AND the 180g!
The yellow tang and naso are looking to be doing good. The tomini has completely left the yellow tang alone and pootie tang is oblivious to their presence so all is well as far as agression. woot! I put out several strips of seaweed and the yellow was brave enough to get in the mix with the larger tangs and got some. The naso was kinda bum rushed, all the fish go crazy for the seaweed and I guess he couldnt get a spot in to grab some. lol
I made some videos of the 90g and 180g and am uploading them now so I will post them in a little while.
I'm still a little concerned about the yellow tang, he is so small compared to everyone else in the tank and both tangs are very thin which seems pretty common in pet store fish, I'll just keep feeding them til they fatten up. LOL
Thanks everyone for following! I really appreciate it. :)
Great videos! I love the growth on all your fish, my have they grown! And look how all the Chromis have stayed healthy and strong! (y)
Thanks Red! i appreciate it. :) It looks like you are theonly one who actually follows this
Yep, I'm surprised the chromis havent offed any their crew, still have all 6. Thats minus the one chromi that got into the overflow and then disappeared.

I researched the ladder slider and its a blue dotted goby. But alas, I just pulled the little guy outta the 40b, this is the last tiny fish I get, they are way too delicate. he was only about half an inch long and was supposed to grow up into a five inch fish. No more baby fish for me. :-(
Awww, sorry. :( I know what you mean, it seems like the smaller fish I get the quicker it is to for them to pass. I guess bigger fish are more used to the stress of moving. I just cannot get over how big everyone is! Pootie is approaching three years this really does not seem like that long ago that I joined AA.....I will have been here three years this July :eek: Time really flies!

I am going to make more water now to get my salinity down in the 29g. I really dislike using QT tanks, but it looks like I am going to have to in the future with my luck, LOL. My family tries to tell me that it is probably more stressful for the fish to endure all this salinity change, rather than just building up immunity to ich. I am not too sure about that thinking, however. :lol: Sorry for my rambling, I tend to do that these days. :nono:
So I went on a shopping spree today. lol This means that I cant afford to upgrade my 1st gen radion to a 3rd gen like I had planned, but hey, I got ALOT of stuff this week so it's all good. Todays purchases are:
Gold headed sleeper goby for the 40g! Finally, another fish. And this one is alot bigger than the little sleeper that only lasted a day.
A bunch of turbo snails, one for the 40b and the rest for the 180g.
A cool striped serpent starfish for the 40b.
And a good amount of coral!!!!
Got some acans, 2, a nice hammer, gsp, a very cool mushroom, i think its a yuma, and some candy canes. Just got home so everything is floating, will take some photos when everything is squared away.
I dont believe I spent over $400 in the last like 4 days on aquaria. My husband would kill me! Hopefully he doesnt notice all the corals I got. But buy 2 and get one free was too much to pass up. lol
The 40b looks great!! Looking forward to more pics!

So how are the radion fixture? My lfs just started carrying them but seeing as I recently picked up 2 taotronics fixtures I won't be buying lights anytime soon, but they do have mp10's as well which I may end up buying at some point.
Dr Tim's nitrifying bacteria worked for me also! Really great stuff! I had transferred everything from 1 tank to my new one in 2 days. Dr Tim's nitrifying bacteria helped me seed my new dry rock. all it needs is some ammonia to help it spread.
yeah, I am impressed with the results I got. i also ordered the ammonia from them and used that. was really easy to dose the ammonia too, one drop per gallon, no guesswork as with regular ammonia lol. I have a little over half a bottle left that i will use for the 60g, even though I have all live rock for that. :) can't hurt is the way i am looking at it

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