Carey's Bio Cube Build

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So my water is getting pretty good and I arranged the rocks in what I think is a kinda cool way. I made a open area in the center of all the rocks and left plenty of room in front for swimming and frolicking. :-D

I've been checking out the rock and I've found a few pods still crawling around, I'm guessing this is a really good thing. I hope so anyway. I most likely will be going to a fish store tomorrow that had spectacular live rock last week and maybe get a few smaller pieces. It was covered in coralline and was very porous, looked like base rock it looked so pretty, but it was def alive. lol

Here are some pictures of it from the front and one is the side view I get as i sit at my computer.



Thanks guys. can you tell about the little center space I left open? i know it's kinda small but it look real good from right in front of it LOL. I wanna try to get some flatter pieces of rock tomorrow maybe make a ledge type thing. Oh, I don't know. i'll keep futzing around til I find something I like i guess.
Definitely a great place for a mantis shrimp! :ninja:

Jk, but it does look good. I really like the reefcleaners rock, I keep trying to find a way to have someone buy me 10lbs to replace my crappy rock a bit at a time, but I can never justify it.

What happened to the hood in the earlier posts? Take it off to do stuff inside? I've never seen someone do it before, I just flip it up and leave it. Always fearful I'll leave for a second and my firefish will take his leap of faith.
I was a busy bee under the hood today, theres a nice spot between my computer desk and the cube stand that holds the hood perfectly even with all the ballasts hanging off. lol

I was thinking on getting a few shrimp and a couple of gobies so I want them to have some good hidey spots. Plus I can see all the action. :) I hate losing fish in a tank like my pistol shrimp, tanks too big to find em anymore. least in the cube all my guys will front and center
Well since it's brand new the stock BC PC lighting, which looks tons better in her pictures than mine dones
I was looking at them and they do look really nice. I was wondering how you would have regular lights on one of those.
Yeah, I'm not messing with this tank. No light upgrades or skimmers or anything fancy. LOL

i still have a 125g reef to deal with by the years end. So I'm officially on a "budget". eewww I hate that word.
i just re arranged the rock but Im not sure. i made a HUGE cave like overhang, i kinda like it and I kinda don't LOl

what do you guys think?


It's good for your view :)
Looks nice. Personally I liked the first setup better.. but you can't go wrong with either one!

Great setup!!
Thanks for the input. :) I'm still on the border. i guess alot will depend on what the new pieces I get look like.
There is a book I have that has a bunch of different scapes that will work for a nano. Yours is like the cove one in the first pic but they don't have anything for this one. I do like it, but it may be better if you added a few pieces around it to open it up IMO. But its your tank and of you like it, do it!
Personally, I think the 1st has a more natural cave like appearance...but I do like this one a lot too! You'll be able to see what they are doin in there! I can't wait to see fish in this bad boy! I think it will take it to a whole new level!
Thanks! I think I'll try again tomorrow, the more I look at it the more it looks planned. I want haphazard and natural. :-D

My first stop on shopping is cuc. When should i add them? I have no readings on my tests but there is 15lbs of LR in there and I see lots of pods moving around so it's gotta be safe right?
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