Carey's Bio Cube Build

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When you get excited that your water tests show signs of nitrates during a know your
i wish my friends were into this besides you guys i have no one to talk to about it

I know what yah mean, I'm lucky my brother enjoys the hobby, not quite as geeky as me though haha. My boyfriend hates it, and my friends think it's kinda cool but would rather spend their time and money elsewhere. The two guys that work at my lfs are pretty great too though, very friendly and i even get a lot of my frags from the one for free.
Well to bring it back on topic, I think I am gonna rescape the rocks again in the cube. lol Theres too much space in the center that is hidden. Plus I wanna make room for coral frags.
carey said:
Well to bring it back on topic, I think I am gonna rescape the rocks again in the cube. lol Theres too much space in the center that is hidden. Plus I wanna make room for coral frags.

rescape! you kno the drill before and after pics
I wish I knew how to make a nice scape I'm not happy with how mine is but its the best I could do lol
I just spent the last like hour re doing the rock. LOL I tried using the back wall as support and left alot of room open in the front and on the sides. What do ya think?


Hi Carey,
I've been following your build thread for a while now and can't keep my mouth shut any longer. Your tanks are amazing! I'm absolutely in love with the little clowns hosting the elegance coral! It's so cool they don't mind sharing it. Adorable! 

carey said:
I just spent the last like hour re doing the rock. LOL I tried using the back wall as support and left alot of room open in the front and on the sides. What do ya think?

I like your latest scape, those purple rocks are really nice. It's gonna look fantastic when you add coral.

Oh boy! Can't wait to start my own biocube! 
Hi Carey,
I've been following your build thread for a while now and can't keep my mouth shut any longer. Your tanks are amazing! I'm absolutely in love with the little clowns hosting the elegance coral! It's so cool they don't mind sharing it. Adorable! 

I like your latest scape, those purple rocks are really nice. It's gonna look fantastic when you add coral.

Oh boy! Can't wait to start my own biocube! 

Thanks so much for following along, it's a lot of chit chat sometimes but people have really been coming up with some great ideas. Feel free to chime in whenever you want!

Do you have a tank? any shots? when are you gonna take the bio cube plunge? lol
carey said:
Do you have a tank? any shots? when are you gonna take the bio cube plunge? lol

Yeah, I now have a 20gal FW tropical community and my Biocube 14 is waiting on the floor. Thanks to your thread, I ordered the same ro/di unit and as soon as I get it I'll start my own first build lol. Now I'm obsessing over what I'm gonna put in the cube - lots of cool choices, limited space and I change my mind all the time. Luckily, the hubby just lets me have my fun with it (and doesn't ask how much it costs!!!).
Looking real good, Carey!!

Whoever mentioned the Lightning Maroon and turned me on to them, well, as excited as I am, I am still mad, because when they do start breeding them, I bet they make Platinums look cheap!!!
Another day, another test. lol

I was expecting ammonia due to the high amount of food I put in the tank the last two days. All the cuc is still alive and well btw.

Ammonia .25 (barely, but rounding up for safety)
Nitrite: 0
Nitrates: 10 (might be a little higher, more orangey than yesterday)

So def. no fish for a bit. lol

I think I may keep the rock work the way it is for now. I may also take some more outta the 55g and do some rock swapping. I have 2 large pieces in the cube I'm not sure if I wanna break them or not. decisions decisions....
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