Carey's Pico Build!

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Well no shopping trip is complete without a new coral. :)

I finally got a beautiful Sun Coral. Can't wait for it to open up tonight! I also had to re arrange the whole tank AGAIN to make it all work.


that looks great,i normally dont like the look of reeftanks(at least not the bigger ones) because they look cluttered(fells funny to say this,then look at my room),but yours looks awesome.
I also have some lunar eclipse zooa's but they haven't been opening since the first day.

And also my largest zooa colony. I have some other stuff but it doesnt seem to come out right in pictures LOL.

I'm sure I'll be re-doing this tank yet again. wanna get rid of some of the plugs and start gluing to rocks instead.


Your tank is looking great. What's this one? I'd like to get this one eventually. :)
It's your run of the mill zooanthids. :)

They come in so many colors and they are usually pretty cheap and hardy too.

The lights don't really do it justice. I believe that was a $20 frag. I have some lunar eclipses too, got like 4 polyps for $20 which is actually pretty cheap. My next mission is to get some blue ones! I keep looking locally but no one has any.

I'll try to get some more zooa pictures up for you.
Cool!!!!!!! In that last Zoa picture there's a shell on the left side. What is that?
That would be a barnacle. Amazing tank carey, I've been following it for a while now :) I'm thinking of starting a pico myself.
That would be a barnacle. Amazing tank carey, I've been following it for a while now :) I'm thinking of starting a pico myself.

The pico is my new miniature pride and joy. Its so easy to do pwc's but it's a tad hard to keep the parameters stable since it so little water. I happen to have the 4g, but they do make a 6g by Fluval I believe.

The barnacles are there in case I luck out and find a barnacle blenny to put in the pico. The goby I have in there is NEVER out. lol The blenny would pretty much live in the barnacles.
Ahh ok. Is there something special about a barnacle blenny that you like so much?

I'll have to look those up and check them out.
So who wins the staring contest? You or the fish? lol

Just got done with front yard, now gotta do back THEN maybe just maybe I can finish doing the rock YAY!!!!!!!!!!
We're all looking forward to seeing some of the first rockscaping! Plus you can go back in your thread and see where you've come from when you finally do find the perfect layout. I'm still gonna change mine around in the 125g soon, just a couple pieces. lol You will see. You won't be happy with the 1st thru 10th times but after a while you'll get it.
ANyone know if it's normal for sun pollps to be open during the day? They aren't wide open but def open I can see the little arms. :)
We're all looking forward to seeing some of the first rockscaping! Plus you can go back in your thread and see where you've come from when you finally do find the perfect layout. I'm still gonna change mine around in the 125g soon, just a couple pieces. lol You will see. You won't be happy with the 1st thru 10th times but after a while you'll get it.

Glad I hadn't finished, was able to get the other rock out. Gotta run an errand then do the rock :) I kept saying hoping to post pic but I will post this morning or early afternoon.

One of your other talked about phosphates. I see alot about that. How do you test for it? Do you know of a link that I can read that talks about all the different stuff to test for and to maintain?
I use salifert to test for phosphates, alkalinity, calcium, potassium and magnesium. These are only really important once you have a lot of corals. The phosphates can cause your calcium to not be absorbed and used by corals so its important to have 0 phos. Ro/di water typically takes care of that but I have rock that I believe is leeching it. :-(
Just added a small but growing rapidly duncan over to the pico. :) It was getting lost in the 125g. lol
I use salifert to test for phosphates, alkalinity, calcium, potassium and magnesium. These are only really important once you have a lot of corals. The phosphates can cause your calcium to not be absorbed and used by corals so its important to have 0 phos. Ro/di water typically takes care of that but I have rock that I believe is leeching it. :-(

Looks like they are individual tests. Is there a combination like the API Master Saltwalter test kit.
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