Catching fish

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Big C

Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 9, 2005
Ontario, Canada
What is the best way to catch fish without harming/stressing them? I should know this by now, after seeing the lfs employees doing it so many times. But I don't think they are as concerned about stressing or harming the fish as i am. They are not their pets after all!

I've been trying to catch the rummy nose with a net (may be a little too small). They are impossible! Just too fast for me! :roll:

I'm concerned about hurting them against the glass so I end up giving up and letting them be.

I wanted to change the tetras first to the new tank. So far the SAE, the shrimp and the cories have been successfully relocated and seem to be loving the space in the larger tank. But I cannot catch any of the small guys. I could catch the Angel easily, he is not scared of the net, but I want to change the 3 biggies last.

I don't see any way to do it unless I buy a larger net and take all the plants out so they cannot hide. Now... I didn't want to change the plants yet until all the fish are relocated -they need their habitat. The other way would be to move them all at once and this is a stretch.

Any advice?

Thank you!
This is a little easier in a tank without live plants.

Move artificial plants and decorations so you have manuerving room and no hiding places.

Get two nets ready. One for the hunt and one for the capture. If done quickly enough and with good patience, the fish will swim directly into your catcher's mitt..err, net. :D

I've done this with most of my fish as I move them between my two tanks.
I'll buy another net and move some of the plants to the other tank. I have live plants so it's a little more difficult.

Thanks for the advice! :mrgreen:
It is a little easier if you just hang the net in the water for awhile whilst holding onto it, after awhile they are lured into a false sense of security and will explore the net, then you just lift the net out of the water. :)
If you get a large clean glass jar or vase, you can put it in the tank, put some food in it, and just wait. They eventually go in to eat, lift out the container, fish & all. This works especially good for plecs.
I use the 2 net method mentioned by JC. For a tough catch, I may use more nets. The extra ones are placed to keep the fish from getting into hidyholes. I have also simply left the nets in the tank for a couple days before trying the capture. This gets the fish "relaxed" around the net.
Me too, and I'm still crummy at it. :? We'll just call it a character flaw. :lol: Rick actually caught a fish for me the other day to move when he got tired of watching me try.....
I got MOST of my neons out by putting fish food in my net. They go in to eat it, and you just pull the net out.

There is this one neon in my 44 gallon that just won't leave... So he's staying in there I even put medicine container with a melted hole to make a bit of an "inward" funnel to it with food in it. I caught a cherry barb that i didn't even think could GET in the hole. Sooo the tetra can be alone.

I call him hermy (hermit), because he doesn't socialize with the other fish ;)
i use the 2 net method, remove all my decor, and lower the water level as much as i can. the fish won't be happy either way. the best i hope for is that i can catch them quickly, with a minimum of chasing, and get them settled in their new home as quickly as possible so they can de-stress. :)
You can try the lights method. Set up for the catch then turn the lights off in the room wait say 30 minutes. While they are asleep turn the tank lights on and make a grab. This works for fresh water fish that sleep in the open. I find salt water tend to hide while sleeping. Good luck.
why not hover the net over the surface of the water at feeding time, when he comes up to the surface to get the food, net him quickly.

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